November 18, 2019: Lyn McCright, Teresa Walding, and Amy Hoelsher from Advancing Nurse Coaching joined me in a show called Advancing Holistic Health Coaching. We had a bright and engaging discussion about Nurse Coaching in the course of Nurses’ daily work and/or as a separate profession of just doing health coaching. Most nurses have done a version of coaching with patients for just about forever. For a long time, we called it education. Somewhere along the line our teaching started to be a homogenized version of a very “canned” speech to patients as they left our unit, that related less and less to the individual. What has happened in the past 30 years as the broad training for Personal and Work Coaches, began to permeate the country, someone realized just how perfect this training could be for Nurses to use in encounters with patients/clients. Lyn McCright, a pioneer of this new direction in nursing, founded Advancing Nurse Coaching 3 years ago, opening on 3 continents! Nurses worldwide seek her leading-edge online courses which will lead the transformation that is coming to healthcare. The Principles of Resilience, one aspect of the Lyn’s coach training, apply to all nurses and patients. Their goal is to bring Resilience to all of Humanity through nursing. To check out this episode:
November 25, 2019: Due to difficulties beyond our control, the show previously scheduled for this date was unable to be aired.
December 2, 2019: I rebroadcasted the November 4th show called Servant Leadership: The Medicine to Cure Management Poison. My Guest, Shannon Whittington, RN MSN PCC LGBT Health Certified, received many accolades for her discussion with me about an old concept, apparently being dusted off and brought back to the foreground in management theory. It is one that can be confusing to managers, who think they are supposed to let employees walk all over them. That is FAR from the concept of this form of growing and building teams. If you have never worked for a leader, who embraces this effort to see all they do to assist their staff to shine and grow, it could be easy to dismiss it as unrealistic. Shannon is excited about what she has been learning and is eager to share what she knows. If you are a manager, frustrated with the interactions of staff or the outcomes you are realizing on your units, this could be an eye-opening conversation to listen to. Check it out: