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Nurses: Use Valentine’s Month for Selfcare!

Writer's picture: Leanne MeierLeanne Meier

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

January 27: Parenting our Parents. Jane Wolf Frances, the author of a memoir/support manual for all who are or will be dealing with our parents reaching an age, when they can no longer completely fend for themselves and will need our help. I found the conversation intimate and reassuring. Jane has a very accepting way of making you feel like you ARE enough in the efforts you make with your parents. Her book is tender, honest, intimate, vulnerable and encouraging. She also offers a support group on her website that I really wish I had had 10 years ago as I assisted my Dad, Mom and family in my Dad’s passing. If this is an issue you face, I encourage you to visit her web:, where you can see the thoughts and ideas of others on this subject and/or leave your own. I highly recommend the book and hope it will help you.

February 3: Kicking Burnout to the Curb, Holistically. We had some technical challenges with this show, but still were able to talk about the issues of Burnout that SO many in healthcare in general and nurses, in specifics, are dealing with. My host J.D. Wildflower, a very experienced personal coach, brought forward the concept that burnout comes into our life over a long period of time by repeating toxic behaviors until they are ingrained habits. Because it the time to get to burnout is long, we need to make a CONSCIOUS decision to learn new behaviors and unlearn old ones to bring our life to a better space. J.D. offers 1:1 Coaching to help move those toxic habits toward holistic, successful habits. She also has classes and training on her website: , where you can schedule a free coaching session with her. We also had a caller, Jennifer Marcenelle, who has written a book called, “From Burning Out to Burning Bright” who introduced the concepts of energy healing to begin the journey back from Burnout.

February 10: Telephone Triage. This is the second most listened to show since I started in 2017, so I thought people might enjoy hearing it again. Triage has been a part of healthcare for nearly as long as there have been disasters: man-made (as in war/accidents) or natural disasters. At some point someone said, "With all these people hurt, dying or dead, we have to focus our limited care providers on the people MOST likely to survive." (I have a feeling, whatever caveman/woman, who came up with the idea, did not use those exact words!) And Triage continues every day, in every hospital, every city and country in the world. Today a phenomenal amount of the triage is done on the telephone. What does it look like? How has it changed since it began and why? How will this type of nursing change the future of healthcare in the USA and the world? Join me with my guests: Celeste Knoff, Margaree Jordan-Amberg and Renee Walsh, all from HealthPartners in Bloomington, MN.

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