Frances McHie Scholarship from U of MN Nursing School
The Frances McHie Scholarship seeks to award small financial grants to individual students at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing who are interested in becoming nurses or seeking to advance their nursing education. African American nursing students, non-white students and first-generation college students are strongly encouraged to apply. Addressing racism in the healthcare field was a lifelong pursuit of Frances McHie. This scholarship is intended to continue
her legacy.
Create affordable, tech-savvy
nursing curriculum for developing
countries and empowers nurses
to change their world.
Develop and distribute our innovative curriculum and help provide nursing programs around the world.
Improve health, and empower nurses around the world.
Open doors with a free, open access nursing curriculum.
Remove barriers to nursing education to people worldwide.
Establish new nursing programs and enhance existing programs.
Help nurses become community health leaders in the communities who have great needs…..and so much more!